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Nachrichten - ultraman

Seiten: [1] 2
Treiber / Re:Standby-Timeout anpassen
« am: November 01, 2017, 08:04:13 Nachmittag »
In addon settings there is an option Enable modifying settings (Geräte-Einstellung ändern) which is set to true by default. Make it false and then config file should not get overwritten.

And you need to edit file /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/driver.dvb.sundtek-mediatv/sundtek.conf (file in addon home).

Let me know if this helps. If not I will check myself (currently out of reach for my tuner for a few days).

Sundtek MediaTV Pro / Re:Sundtek + Xtreamer Ultra + Openelec + tvheadend
« am: Oktober 19, 2012, 05:29:33 Nachmittag »
Es ist schwer zu debuggen, wenn ich nicht reproduzieren können diese selber. Aber Sie können versuchen, diese: wenn tvheadend nicht sieht ein Tuner versuchen, es in der Konsole neu zu starten:
Sieht der Tuner dann?

Oder Sie können versuchen eine neue Version von Sundtek Addon:
Es gibt eine Option "Extra settle time" zu warten, bevor tvheadend gestartet.

Deinstallieren Sie alte Version zuerst.

Sundtek MediaTV Pro / Re:Sundtek + Xtreamer Ultra + Openelec + tvheadend
« am: Oktober 19, 2012, 04:04:30 Nachmittag »
Welche OpenELEC version? Welche Sundtek Addon Version? Mehr info bitte.

True. hf as hardfloat. Didn't think of that.

Anyway, I upload new addon file.

This Sundtek addons are hosted on OpenELEC servers and can be installed directly from XBMC itself (no need to manualy download zip file and manually install).

But in this case the commit ( is not accepted yet that's why there is no addon in repository. When it will be this file will not be required anymore.

Because there is not much such users which would report info back the info is a little scattered  :(

I don't see any confusion here.

AndreasP69, why don't you ask this on OpenELEC forum and I could help you much faster (I'm the maintainer of sundtek addon for OpenELEC).

You can try to install this sundtek addon (untested):

Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Re:Apple TV + Openelec - no scan
« am: Mai 05, 2012, 05:42:16 Nachmittag »
Openelec works as it works. And addon works just fine as is with tvheadend and vdr. To run w_scan you just need to use this export. No big deal. It's only few times.

Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Re:Linux (Ubuntu) Boot Order
« am: April 20, 2012, 09:04:57 Vormittag »
When can we expect new driver with this mentioned option?

Sundtek MediaTV Pro / Re:Openelec und Media-Pro DVB-T
« am: April 20, 2012, 08:26:39 Vormittag »
Great! Will try it out.

For now I just count the numbers of called device_attach. And after that I start tvheadend. Like user write back "Works perfect !"

Sundtek MediaTV Pro / Re:Openelec und Media-Pro DVB-T
« am: April 19, 2012, 08:37:58 Nachmittag »
Of course ;)

I was at work and before testing at home I investigate this thing.
In my addon for OpenELEC I have support for only one tuner. Now I add few lines to support multiple tuners. The problem is with tvheadend which doesn't use tuners if they are added after tvheadend is already running. That's why I first start this driver (mediasrv daemon) and wait for all tuners to appear. After that I start tvheadend which is then using all tuners.

Sundtek MediaTV Pro / Re:Openelec und Media-Pro DVB-T
« am: April 19, 2012, 08:51:03 Vormittag »
Is it possible to use multiple USB Sundtek tuners at the same time? One tuner for watching while another recording.

Sundtek MediaTV Pro / Re:Openelec und Media-Pro DVB-T
« am: April 09, 2012, 01:30:01 Nachmittag »
On the other side it might be easier to finetune tvheadend to support that one right now.
I wouldn't count on that from my experience.

Sundtek MediaTV Pro / Re:Openelec und Media-Pro DVB-T
« am: Februar 15, 2012, 04:48:38 Nachmittag »
I don't see any change in drivers to allow that.

Sundtek MediaTV Pro / Re:Openelec und Media-Pro DVB-T
« am: Dezember 05, 2011, 03:56:29 Nachmittag »
Could be done by something like this:
# clone an OpenELEC repository
git clone
# get my addon package and extract it
wget -O sundtek_package_latest.tar
tar xf sundtek_package_latest.tar
# always increment PKG_REV by one in
#  packages/addons/driver/sundtek-mediatv/meta
# make both addons
PROJECT=ION ARCH=i386 ./scripts/create_addon sundtek-mediatv
PROJECT=ION ARCH=x86_64 ./scripts/create_addon sundtek-mediatv

It would be great if the driver itself would contain configurable location for sundtek.conf from /etc/ to somewhere else. Maybe /tmp/ like it's already in one binary. I now do that by binary search&replace and must always check if this is done right :(

Sundtek MediaTV Pro / Re:Openelec und Media-Pro DVB-T
« am: Dezember 03, 2011, 09:22:35 Nachmittag »

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