Thanks for remote access
There are several issues and also some improvements upcoming on our side
a) /proc/bus/nim_sockets expects to read everything at once, not chunked as we do it normally (we have updated the driver to fix this problem)
b) switching the tuner type in enigma2 causes a problem - it just hangs (Vu+ bug), in order to address this problem our next driver will try to switch it directly after registering the tuner (this seems to work)
c) the enigma2 configuration file switches back the tuner to DVB-C by default, but switching the tuner mode in enigma2 has a problem with that box (as mentioned in point b). The tunermode needs to be saved to the global enigma2 configuration file directly from the sundtekcontrolcenter. This will also be an improvement for our tuners.
To make your box work again it needs a driver and sundtek controlcenter update.
The driver update we will deliver today, the sundtek controlcenter update in one or two days.