{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Why cant you respond with some useful information regarding delivery of SkyTV U
« am: April 07, 2014, 10:57:11 Vormittag »
Hi Sundtek
Why cant you respond with some useful information regarding delivery of your "Sundtek Sky TV Ultimate III"?
I see you respond to other questions in the forum but are ignore the posts about people having ordered the Satellite tuner from you. There is no information to be found on you webshop, only the statement that is has to be backordered. Either I want you to refund my order or tell me what is happening at your side?
Br Claes
Why cant you respond with some useful information regarding delivery of your "Sundtek Sky TV Ultimate III"?
I see you respond to other questions in the forum but are ignore the posts about people having ordered the Satellite tuner from you. There is no information to be found on you webshop, only the statement that is has to be backordered. Either I want you to refund my order or tell me what is happening at your side?
Br Claes