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Nachrichten - knasson

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VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:quite curious behaviour on Vu plus solo
« am: Februar 10, 2011, 04:52:00 Nachmittag »
thank you for answering me.

I never imagined you could give me a support for the softcam, but i don't understand the reason why the good running of the softcam is influenced by the tuner selection....if you have an idea perhaps i can follow the track and helpmyself  to solve this problem.



VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / quite curious behaviour on Vu plus solo
« am: Februar 10, 2011, 11:07:54 Vormittag »

I have installed the drivers for my sundtek dvb s2 usb driver on a Vu+ solo with updated VTI 2.3, when i start a recording on a channel and want to zap to an other channel this action forces the ECM for the new channel to come from the same peer connection (despite the usual priority)
Is that normal?

My softcam is CCcam2.2.1 on Vu+ solo



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