My 'Sundtek MediaTV Pro' USB stick is working perfectly with vlc + channels.conf obtained with w_scan. But I have a problem using the remote control with lirc. The thing is that the provided lirc configuration file does not produce the buttons that I push on the remote control.
While I push other buttons I get:
~ # irw
0000000080010002 00 1 sundtek.conf
0000000080010002 00 1 sundtek.conf
0000000080010007 00 6 sundtek.conf
00000000800100ae 00 Shutdown sundtek.conf
0000000080010161 00 Menu sundtek.conf
0000000080010161 00 Menu sundtek.conf
0000000080010174 00 User1 sundtek.conf
0000000080010174 00 User1 sundtek.conf
0000000080010174 00 User1 sundtek.conf
0000000080010007 00 6 sundtek.conf
0000000080010007 00 6 sundtek.conf
0000000080010007 00 6 sundtek.conf
00000000800100ae 00 Shutdown sundtek.conf
0000000080010161 00 Menu sundtek.conf
0000000080010004 00 3 sundtek.conf
The lirc daemon is running with this configuration:
LIRCD_OPTS="-H devinput -d /dev/input/event8"
Since I got:
~ # /opt/bin/getinput.sh
waiting 5 seconds...
Sundtek IR Event: /dev/input/event8
I thought the mapping in sundtek.conf is wrong and I tried to create another mapping with
irrecord -H devinput -d /dev/input/event8 test.conf
But it seems that some buttons (1 and Power) do not produce input events. I can also see this by using
~ # cat /dev/input/event8
which also does not produce any output while pressing 1 and Power buttons (it produces output for some other buttons).
The strange thing is that
~ # mediaclient --pollrc
picks up the '1' button.
-> 00866b00ff
-> 80866b00ff
-> 80866b00ff
-> 80866b00ff
-> 80866b00ff
-> 80866b00ff
-> 81866b00ff
-> 80866b00ff
-> 80866b00ff
-> 80866b00ff
-> 80866b00f
Any ideas on what am I doing wrong?
$ uname -a
Linux linda 3.2.12-gentoo #5 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jun 19 23:37:55 EEST 2012 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux