Here is my problem:
I installed properly the dongle with the right script as explained in the beginning of this topic. Everything went fine but it doesn't want to work...
- In the end of the installation, if i chose the dvb-c start-script, the dreambox freezes and it's impossible to reboot it but manually. So, I don't have choice but to chose the "autostart-script". There is no problem. After a reboot, the Dreambox sees the device and i can enter the menu to set it up. BUT--->
-> If I go in the menu to scan services, I get this failure : "ERREUR - échec lors de l'analyse (error starting..."
-> I read that I shouldn't do an automatic scan but I did it previously (some months ago) and I worked fine. Anyway, I decide to scan manually but once again, it doesn't work and I have to reboot the Dreambox manually one more time.
I'm totally stacked with that problem. I can't get any channel. Would anybody help me ?

Dreambox 8000 HD PVR
Latest LT Image
Boot Loader #84
Cable Operator : VOO
Country : Belgium