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Dreambox Settopbox / Sundtek DVB-C Sticks Open-ATV tauglich
« am: Dezember 06, 2015, 12:08:37 Vormittag »

Erwäge ein Image von Open ATv aufzuspielen.
Funktioniert die Installation mittels SSC?

Vielen Dank!

Dreambox Settopbox / networksupport under IPv6?
« am: November 16, 2014, 01:14:24 Vormittag »

Soon my cable provider will roll out IPv6, probably DS Lite.
Would you please give some information if networksupport (Synology Sundtek Package) versus (Dreambox) IP-client, set up with the SSC-plugin, will work properly as it does now under IPv4?

Thank you!


Since i switch off hibernation in Synology,during watching tv, streaming DVB-C to Dreambox settopbox works totally fine. (no hick ups any more as it occured during Hibernation use)

As i am using the NAS exclusively for this purpose i wonder what happens if i would turn off the Synology directly after the Dreambox loaded the DVB-C tuner.
-would system crash immediately due to that?
-or would it be possible to turn off and start the NAS again when DVB-C channels are needed in fact only in the evening?

I noticed in the SSC plugin that another driver update is ready tot be installed...
Would you be as kind as to specify procedure in which order?

a. is Sundtek Synology package automatically updated?
b. if not, uninstall present version (0.15) and reinstall Package again?
c. is restart required in that case?
d. finally, after updating settopbox through SSC: is restart required too?

Thank you

Good morning,

After reading a lot in this interesting forum regarding Synology NAS systems, i am eager to give it a try myself.

-In my DS413j i downloaded in the Community section Sundtek package and installed it succesfully
-For Dreambox DM800SE network plugin has been installed and rights were configured (as well in the NAS)
-I purchased a second hand Sundtek DVB-C/T USB stick (silver, it is said to be one year old)

What is confusing me, is the (needed?) use of the application "tvheadend" of which is often spoken in many topics.
Do i really need tvheadend just for streaming DVB-C channels to the Dreambox or is Sundtek-package sufficient?

I hope somebody could help me in this matter
Thank you in advance

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