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Themen - robkds

Seiten: [1]
Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Old and new MediaTV at the same time?
« am: April 17, 2014, 04:22:08 Nachmittag »
Hi there,

I have an older model Sundtek MediaTV Digital Home (USB 2.0) which I bought nine months ago and just bought a new one in the webshop. The new one will ofcource be a Digital Home III model.

Will these two work together in my Xtrend ET9200 receiver? Do I have to tweak the driver of settings or will the newest drivers support this configuration out of the box?

Market Place / other questions / Pay with creditcard
« am: April 15, 2014, 11:49:59 Vormittag »
Hi there,

I ordered a USB-C stick more than a week ago. Although asking twice by email, I still haven't received a PayPal link to pay my order.

Can you please send me a link? Check your mailbox for my ordernumber.


Seiten: [1]