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Nachrichten - kjellb

Seiten: [1]
I have a Dreambox DM920 with internal DVB-T/T2 tuner, and in addition to that a Sundtek MediaTV Digital Home C/T/T2, but I can´t get the USB-stick to receive any dvb-t/t2 service at all. I am now using DreamElite 6, but I have tried every OE 2.5 image there is with the same result. The internal tuner is working ok.
If I use OpenPli 6.2 (OE 2.0) the usb-stick works ok. All dvb-t and t2 transponders are received perfect, but with OE 2.0 the internal tuner only receive dvb-t, not dvb-t2.

What to do?

Seiten: [1]