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Nachrichten - irishchris

Seiten: [1]
VU+ - VU+ Duo und VU+ Solo Settopbox / Re:VU+ Solo Support
« am: Januar 25, 2011, 07:46:29 Nachmittag »
any more info / instructions on this??

absolutely excellent customer service again from sundtek. really have to say it was 5 star that you can report a problem like this and have manufacturer take such quick and precise fix to this so would just like to say well done to sundtek for that. the media pro tuner now works perfectly with open pli 2.0.

many thanks,

i tried contacting you on skype but says you are offline. is it possible to get the usbkhelper-vuplus file please


i have had a sundtek media pro tv tuner for few months and worked flawlessly. changed to the updated open pli 2.0 image on vu+ and it no longer works. installs and is detected as tuner c but when i scan comes up 0 channels and when i use my existing channel list comes up with tune failed. also i notice whereas it used to detect the vu+ duo as a vu+ duo in installation it now detects it as a "little endian"?

any help appreciated

VU+ - VU+ Duo und VU+ Solo Settopbox / Re:VU+ Solo Support
« am: Dezember 22, 2010, 01:09:32 Nachmittag »

my question is if you have the sundtek media pro tv tuner in a vu+ duo - is it possible to stream over network to a vu+ solo as i see a guide for doing it for pc over network

many thanks

VU+ - VU+ Duo und VU+ Solo Settopbox / Re:lip sync problem in vu+
« am: November 13, 2010, 07:42:23 Nachmittag »
updated my receiver yesterday with the new drivers which we discussed about lip sync issues and delighted that they are now resolved and audio is perfectly in sync. again a big big thank you from me and all vu+ users for this invaluable help.


VU+ - VU+ Duo und VU+ Solo Settopbox / Re:lip sync problem in vu+
« am: November 02, 2010, 05:23:04 Nachmittag »
yes i have done that but is quite annoying as i watch mostly dvb-t channels and so have to constantly turn off and on timeshift to simply watch the channels and powering up my hard drive every time. but is great news that sundtek and vu+ are working on a fix  ;D

VU+ - VU+ Duo und VU+ Solo Settopbox / Re:lip sync problem in vu+
« am: November 02, 2010, 01:02:43 Nachmittag »
really really appreciate all your effort :)  many many thanks

VU+ - VU+ Duo und VU+ Solo Settopbox / Re:lip sync problem in vu+
« am: November 02, 2010, 01:11:10 Vormittag »
The lipsync issue comes from VU+ we are in contact with them! We'll post some more information on how we can help VU+ to debug this issue on Monday.


not meaning to seem pushy but just wondering if any news on this from vu??


VU+ - VU+ Duo und VU+ Solo Settopbox / Re:lip sync problem in vu+
« am: Oktober 31, 2010, 02:27:40 Nachmittag »
thanks very much for following up on this as have noticed even today people on support forums with same problem. thanks

VU+ - VU+ Duo und VU+ Solo Settopbox / lip sync problem in vu+
« am: Oktober 30, 2010, 08:26:46 Nachmittag »

i have this usb tuner for the last two weeks and have noticed now that there is a lip sync issue in that audio is often 1-4 seconds ahead of video on the dvb-t channels. it varies every time so is always  different time delays. i live in ireland and we use mpeg 4/h264 for both sd and hd channels.

can this be fixed by sundtek as i have read many forums of people reporting same.


Seiten: [1]