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Nachrichten - martymac

Seiten: [1]
{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re: Please update FreeBSD driver !
« am: Februar 18, 2025, 09:07:05 Vormittag »
I think we can check that next week,

Good news, thanks!

we did not update the driver mainly because the USB stack performance on FreeBSD is not good, causing issues with the devices back then. Not sure if those issues are still there, but also we have different devices nowadays which might be able to handle those performance issues better than before.

I am not aware of any specific issue regarding FreeBSD USB stack. It has been re-written in 2009 for FreeBSD 8.0, maybe there were issues at that time ?

I will be able to test the new builds if needed, ideally on arm64 since I am setting up a rapberry pi 3 to receive sat channels.

Thanks for your support!

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Please update FreeBSD driver !
« am: Februar 17, 2025, 05:08:14 Nachmittag »

A few years ago I purchased a SkyTV Ultimate 6 DVB-S stick because a native FreeBSD driver was provided. Unfortunately, it seems it has been discontinued since :/ Could you please provide updated builds for FreeBSD ?

Seiten: [1]