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Nachrichten - spbenjamin

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{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Missing/wrong services
« am: Januar 13, 2025, 05:44:40 Nachmittag »
I have been trying to use a Sundtek DVB-S/S2 (VIII) usb device with a Vero-V OSMC device running TVHeadend for a couple of months. I'm pretty comfortable with Linux, but a newbie at using it for TV.

After some trial and error I got it working with one tuner enabled in TVH. The other tuner would either fail to tune a channel, or would deliver the wrong channel, so I just disabled it for the time being, planning to completely delete all adapters info from TVH and start again.

Well, I've now done this, and rather fix the 'broken' tuner, they're now both showing the same behaviour:

(Astra 28.2E)
Working: PBS America (11343.5V), Channel 4+1 (10936V), E4 Extra(10936V)
Fails ('no input detected'): BBC One Wales HD (11023.25H), U&Yesterday (12129V), Film4 (10714H) and lots more
Wrong channel: Channel 5 HD (11305H) delivers Great! Movies (presumably the version also on 11305H?)

I would appreciate any advice in how to go about diagnosing the problem. Perhaps it is with TVH, but this delivers the correct behaviour with other input sources so I'm suspecting it's more likely a hardware or driver issue?

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