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Nachrichten - manifesto1969

Seiten: [1]
Can you check again?
Are you available now to discuss?

I would say 10am? But you can advice another time too.
ok 10am UK time is fine by me.  Thanks

I think 10am UK is 11am central European time, that will be fine.

I'm on the support chat line - but no response yet?

I would say 10am? But you can advice another time too.
ok 10am UK time is fine by me.  Thanks

I think 10am UK is 11am central European time, that will be fine.


can you join the chat tomorrow and check with our support? Today is already allocated for other customers.
Sure, is there any particular time I need to be on the chat channel?


I have just purchased the Octagon SF8008 which has the latest OpenVix image installed
I downloaded the Sundtek Control Centre and downloaded the latest drivers
I have the tuner to autostart in the Control Centre
I've reboot the receiver.

However, in the tuner does not show in the Setup->Tuners->Configure section of OpenVix

This shows up on a VU+ Solo2 with latest OpenVix image without issue.

I'm no expert on this and wondered if it is a driver issue and if so whether new drivers for the Octagon SF8008 will be released?

Your help is appreciated


I have just purchased the Octagon SF8008 which has the latest OpenVix image installed
I downloaded the Sundtek Control Centre and downloaded the latest drivers
However, in the tuner does not show in the Setup->Tuners->Configure section of OpenVix

This shows up on a VU+ Solo2 with latest OpenVix image without issue.

I'm no expert on this and wondered if it is a driver issue and if so whether new drivers for the Octagon SF8008 will be released?

Your help is appreciated

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