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Nachrichten - CMoH

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It seems there was a mix-up with the cable of a camera, whose plug coincidentally matched MediaTV Pro.

Well, I'll close this, since the confusing matter was resolved. Thank you for your help!

Thank you for your reply. I'll write an email to the address you gave me.

As a side question, would you happen to know what the cable in the picture can be used for? Also, since it came in the box with the MediaTV Pro, I am wondering why you're saying it is not shipped with your units.

Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Black screen when attempting to use Composite input
« am: März 16, 2016, 05:58:05 Nachmittag »
Hey. I'm trying to move the family video collection from old analogue cameras to digital media. This camera has a Composite audio+video that works fine with a TV box.

With Media TV Pro I have successfully installed the drivers and everything, so I can see TV input on the computer. However, when connecting the camera and switching to Composite input I get a black screen and no audio. My personal opinion is that the MediaTV Pro Composite cable I have (see picture) is not appropriate.

Can anybody confirm if the cable in the picture is appropriate for capturing media via the Composite input? If not, what can I do?

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