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Nachrichten - kiza

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Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Re:Installation on a Dreambox settopbox
« am: August 16, 2014, 11:41:26 Vormittag »
I tried to contact Sundtek Support via Skype, a few minutes ago, but there was no answer.

Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Re:Installation on a Dreambox settopbox
« am: August 15, 2014, 08:43:43 Nachmittag »
Thanks! Will Skype you tomorrow.

Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Re:Installation on a Dreambox settopbox
« am: August 15, 2014, 07:10:50 Nachmittag »
Does this affect all your HD channels? Or just one Mux?

EPG is parsed by the Dreambox filters. Normally there shouldn't be an issue, what does the signal strength command say?

And which channel parameters did you set? Setting the wrong ones can definitely also be the root cause for a bad picture.
Usually there should not be a problem, since all tuners have been tested before leaving our factory.

There are two DVB T2 muxes and they have a mixture of SD and HD channels. The issues with reception, that I am having, are only if I go from DVB T to DVB T2 MUX. Once T2 shows I can go between different channels on the same MUX without problems. The picture never freezes or misbehaves. 50% of time, if I go from DVB T to DVB T2 it shows "Tune failed".
I am unable to upload Screenshots!

Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Re:Installation on a Dreambox settopbox
« am: August 15, 2014, 05:13:38 Nachmittag »

I have received my Sundtek MediaTV Pro USB tuner today. It was installed in genuine DM8000 receiver. Having a problem with reception of DVB-T2 channels. They were found and are on my list. Very often when I go to HD version (that uses T2) there is a message "Tune failed" and the only way is to go one channel up or down (SD on DVB T). I live in England and the same antenna is used for my DVB-T2 TV and works fine. Also EPG on DVB-T2 MUX is corrupted. The corruption also shows on normal T channels when I view EPG list, but as soon as I go to SD channel EPG shows fine. But EPG on T2 (for both SD and HD) channels is not good. One more problem. Normally when I reboot DM8000 (with DM terrestrial tuner) terrestrial EPG is always blank and populates on reception. With Sundek tuner the corrupted EPG shows immediately after reboot. It seems that Sundtek Plugin is responsible for EPG generation rather that DM8000.
Hope this makes sense. Thanks!

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