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Nachrichten - DaMacFunkin

Seiten: [1] 2
Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Re:Amiko Alien sh4
« am: Dezember 09, 2016, 12:04:04 Nachmittag »
Hello, it reads 'no such file or directory'

Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Re:Amiko Alien sh4
« am: Dezember 08, 2016, 10:21:04 Nachmittag »
I will check the commands tomorrow, thanks.

Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Re:Amiko Alien sh4
« am: Dezember 08, 2016, 10:33:16 Vormittag »
Do you have an emoji for tumbleweed?

Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Amiko Alien sh4
« am: Dezember 07, 2016, 04:56:38 Nachmittag »
Hello I am unable to install DVB-C stick on Amiko Alien enigma2 which has sh4 architecture, I have tried on pli, vix4 and atv, can someone please help.

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:Dvb-s2 tuner
« am: Dezember 03, 2015, 11:34:19 Nachmittag »
Ok I didn't think ABM used blind scan, I thought it read a pre defined list from a sepecific transponder.
The problem with that is I can't choose which tuner my box uses for the ABM scan, it usually defaults to sundtek tuner in normal operation which means I now have to disable it again.

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:Questions about the plugin
« am: Dezember 03, 2015, 11:28:52 Nachmittag »
No I mean when will the dual tuners be available?

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:Questions about the plugin
« am: Dezember 02, 2015, 08:20:32 Nachmittag »
When will these be available please?

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:Dvb-s2 tuner
« am: Dezember 02, 2015, 08:18:30 Nachmittag »
yes i have found this, so i have re-enabled the tuner and i can say it now tunes and plays fine, yipee, but i have now encountered an error that i didn't have previous and may date back to lnb problem,
in OpenATV \ VIX there is a program called Auto Bouquets Maker, if the program tries to use my sundtek tuner to scan 28.2 it either times out or only tunes in a small qualntity of the channels it should do,
The log in ABM shows errors such as:
[DvbScanner] Timed out reading BAT
[DvbScanner] Read 0 services with bouquet_id = 0x1005
[DvbScanner] Timed out reading SDT
[DvbScanner] Cannot fetch SDT for the following transport_stream_id list: [2046,2069,2006,2025.2026,2089,2107]

If i manipulate to use internal tuner for scan, it works fine and sundtek can then tune all channels, but if sundtek is chosen for scan it doesn't work and messes my bouquet list up.

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Dvb-s2 tuner
« am: November 22, 2015, 07:24:07 Nachmittag »
Hello I feel that I need to tell you I have unplugged my S2 stick from solo4k, since last VU+ driver update it has become more garbled, I have just realised it is corrupting or not locking signal for Auto Bouquets Maker so it currently is of no use to me.
Please advise when you have solution.

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:Solo 4k
« am: November 02, 2015, 11:52:21 Vormittag »
Hello, i seem to have got it working.
I started enigma2 with the DVB-C/T2 attached only, when enigma2 started i then plugged in DVB-S2 tuner, opened Sundtek control panel and configured second tuner.
On pressing Blue button enigma2 restarted and the tuner is present, i will test during the day.
So if tuners in slots does not match last config enigma 2 does not boot.
I have to go out this morning, if you want to have a fine tune of the plug in this afternoon then i may be avilable.
Please let me know.

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:Solo 4k
« am: November 02, 2015, 11:35:28 Vormittag »
Hello, i am in chat for short while.
Off work today.

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:Solo 4k
« am: November 01, 2015, 05:29:06 Nachmittag »
Also I have found if you configure plug in for 2 sticks, then power off, remove one stick and reboot the box won't boot.
You need to boot with none, configure plug in not to auto start, power off, attach single tuner then restart.

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:Solo 4k
« am: November 01, 2015, 05:09:41 Nachmittag »
Hello I have installed new driver from sundtek control centre, the box will not boot with DVB-S2 version IV (upgraded) plugged in, either on its own or with dvb-c.
Box boots fine with 2 DVB-C attached.
Please advise.

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:Solo 4k
« am: Oktober 31, 2015, 05:19:41 Nachmittag »
I have to tell you I have another problem, I powered box off and inserted sundtek sky dvb-s2 stick and the box would not boot with both USB tuners plugged in.
I turned box off, unplugged -s2 stick and box booted fine with dvb-c still installed.

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:Solo 4k
« am: Oktober 31, 2015, 01:38:07 Nachmittag »
box has locked up again, i am on chat now.

Seiten: [1] 2