« am: Dezember 02, 2015, 08:18:30 Nachmittag »
yes i have found this, so i have re-enabled the tuner and i can say it now tunes and plays fine, yipee, but i have now encountered an error that i didn't have previous and may date back to lnb problem,
in OpenATV \ VIX there is a program called Auto Bouquets Maker, if the program tries to use my sundtek tuner to scan 28.2 it either times out or only tunes in a small qualntity of the channels it should do,
The log in ABM shows errors such as:
[DvbScanner] Timed out reading BAT
[DvbScanner] Read 0 services with bouquet_id = 0x1005
[DvbScanner] Timed out reading SDT
[DvbScanner] Cannot fetch SDT for the following transport_stream_id list: [2046,2069,2006,2025.2026,2089,2107]
If i manipulate to use internal tuner for scan, it works fine and sundtek can then tune all channels, but if sundtek is chosen for scan it doesn't work and messes my bouquet list up.