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Nachrichten - v1c10u5

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Drivers / February 17 Drivers
« am: Februar 17, 2015, 11:07:28 Nachmittag »

I have a sundtek mediatv figital home and a vu+ solo2 running blackhole image.
Everything was working fine until the sundtek control center installed the latest driver (febraury 17) and after that a lot of things just stopped working.
any idea how i downgrade my sundtek to the dirver i had before? (i think it was january 25)


VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:Blindscan on VU+ Solo2 with OpenPLI image
« am: Februar 02, 2015, 02:12:04 Nachmittag »
Thank you for the fast and informative reply.

Do you by any chance know how i could check if my solo2 hardware supports blindscan or not?
And also do you have any idea why the Automatic scan is giving me an error message?

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Blindscan on VU+ Solo2 with OpenPLI image
« am: Februar 01, 2015, 08:14:59 Nachmittag »

I recently purchased your your MediaTV Digital Home and managed to install it succesfully on my VU+ solo2 running the latest OpenPLI image.
Currently the only option to scan for channels is through the Manual scan.
The Automatic scan is giving me:"ERROR - failed to scan (error starting scanning)!".
Blindscan 1.4 and Fast scan are not recognizing the DVB-C tuner in the Tuner option inside the plugin. (I can only scan the built-in Tuner A and Tuner B).

Any ideas what i'm doing wrong or how can i get the blindscan plugin to recognize your usb tuner?

Thanks in advance,

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:Sundtek MediaTV Digital Home III (DVB-C/T/T2)
« am: November 14, 2013, 10:11:18 Vormittag »
Thanks you for your quick response.

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Sundtek MediaTV Digital Home III (DVB-C/T/T2)
« am: November 06, 2013, 11:22:54 Vormittag »

I was looking for a usb dvb-c tuner for a while now and i came accross your page and was amazed by the great customer support you provide!

I own a vu+ solo2 and i'm planning on adding a dvb-c tuner and i have a few questions.

 - When will the Sundtek MediaTV Digital Home III (DVB-C/T/T2) be available to purchase on your website? Is the 30/11/2013 date correct?

 - Will it support dvb-c2?

 - Will my stb be able to indetify your usb tuner? (vu+ solo2 with vix image)

 - Is there a preferred image that your device will work best with?

 - Are the solo2 processor and ram able to play hd channels with your tuner or will it only support sd channels?

 - will i be able to watch encoded channels with my provider's legit ci and card? and if my stb recognizes the tuner will i be able to use all features? (epg/plugins....) ?

Thanks in advance!

Seiten: [1]