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Nachrichten - Oliverda

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VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:MediaTV Digital Home (DVB-C/T) + Vu+ Uno (VTi)
« am: Juli 13, 2012, 06:50:20 Nachmittag »
Looks like it's too much for me. I can't utilize the potential of the product. Anyway I appreciate your quality of support. Keep it up. ;)

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:MediaTV Digital Home (DVB-C/T) + Vu+ Uno (VTi)
« am: Juli 13, 2012, 06:16:43 Nachmittag »
Thanks, I didn't know that. :-X

As an expert can you tell me a reason to keep the Sundtek stick? I only need as an additional DVB-T tuner for my Vu+ Uno.

Thanks again.

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:MediaTV Digital Home (DVB-C/T) + Vu+ Uno (VTi)
« am: Juli 13, 2012, 06:05:27 Nachmittag »
I reinstalled everything from zero and now it's fine. Control center 1.3.0 gives me crash but 1.2.9 r3 is fine. Anyway with latest VTi 4.1 my Leadtek Winfast Dongle Gold works like charm. I didn't even have to install a driver. It automatically detects the stick as a secondary tuner when I plug in. Looks like VTi 4.1 contains drivers for some popular sticks. The funny thing is that it doesn't contain driver for the Sundtek MediaTV Digital Home. ???

Now I feel that it was an unnecessary purchase from my side because the Leadtek dongle can act as a DVB-T tuner without any additional modification or installation. I've noticed only one thing where the Sundtek is better: it shows the signal power and signal quality accurately.

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:MediaTV Digital Home (DVB-C/T) + Vu+ Uno (VTi)
« am: Juli 13, 2012, 01:47:36 Nachmittag »
I have the stick.

Unfortunately my VU+ Uno (VTi 4.1) doesn't even find a channel with the Sundtek stick. :-\ Sundtek Control Center and latest driver have been installed. I have a Leadtek Winfast Dongle Gold which easily finds the channels with the Uno. If I search the channels with the Leadtek then change the sticks to Sundtek then it works so I think the stick is fine.

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Re:MediaTV Digital Home (DVB-C/T) + Vu+ Uno (VTi)
« am: Juli 02, 2012, 10:15:24 Vormittag »
Thank you. Then I'll order the stick. :)

Thanks again

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / MediaTV Digital Home (DVB-C/T) + Vu+ Uno (VTi)
« am: Juli 01, 2012, 03:53:47 Nachmittag »

I'm going to buy a Sundtek MediaTV Digital Home USB stick for my Vu+ Uno. I have VTi 4.1 on the box. Will the Sundtek stick work well with this combo like the internal DVB-S tuner?

Is the Sundtek stick capable for giving +5V power supply via its antenna connector for the external DVB-T amplifier?

Thank you in advance.:)


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