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Nachrichten - franksvan

Seiten: [1]
Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Re:Sundtek Media TV Pro Linux Installation
« am: Februar 20, 2012, 10:52:31 Vormittag »
Those steps are correct, but you need to reconfigure the Hauppauge Remote control again.

You can also install the driver with the -nolirc option. " -nolirc" (this won't remove the old configuration files but will not install it next time for you)

You guys are great ...had it working withing 10 minutes

Thanx again

My best regards

Frank Svan

Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Re:Sundtek Media TV Pro Linux Installation
« am: Februar 17, 2012, 03:58:06 Nachmittag »
Hi sundtek

Im having a problem with my ubuntu 10.04 installation.

my setup contains a hauppauge tuner & remote and a sundtek mediatv pro tuner

When installing the sundtek driver, my hauppauge remote stops responding.

Now - i actually have had the same problem before on a 9.04 installation where the solution was:

"sudo rm -rf /etc/udev/rules.d/80-remote-eeti.rules /lib/udev/rules.d/80-remote-eeti.rules"

The script which finally causes the modification:

This however does not work in the 10.04 installation.

I also have tried to delete "/opt/bin/" but nothing helps.

Can you please help me

My best regards

Frank Svan


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