I have tried to install a DVB_S2 on a DM800HD-S and have som problems.
The installation proceeds as the instruction but it don't create the catalog /dev/dvb/adapter1
When I try to start the Suntek DVB_S2_Tuner Enigma craches
Here are some screenshots:
root@dm800:/tmp# ./sundtek_installer_development.sh
Busybox installation
Welcome to the Sundtek linux driver setup
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stopping old driver instance...
checking system... testing libc OK 2.3.90
MIPSel (old libc) System detected
Using /dev/misc/vtuner0 interface
Starting driver...
root@dm800:/usr/script# ./DVB_S2_Tuner_starten.sh
DVB-S/S2 Tuner start
switching off loglevel
unable to open /dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend0
Enigma restart
root@dm800:/usr/script# ./DVB_Tuner_Info.sh
DVB Tuner info
**** List of Media Hardware Devices ****
NIM Socket 0:
Type: DVB-S2
Name: Alps BSBE2
Has_Outputs: yes
root@dm800:/usr/script# /opt/bin/mediaclient -e
**** List of Media Hardware Devices ****
Could it be that you have any idea why?