English > {Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate

OSMC + Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate (or any other Sundtek device)


Since a user recently contacted us regarding OSMC

1. tvheadend can be found in the appstore

2. in order to install the driver:

a) connect to the osmc system via ssh

connect via ssh from another mac/linux system:
$ ssh osmc@osmc

on the osmc system run following commands:
$ sudo -s # sign on as root
$ cd /tmp # change to the tmp directory
$ wget http://sundtek.de/media/sundtek_netinst.sh # download the driver
$ sh sundtek_netinst.sh # install the driver
$ echo "device_attach=service tvheadend restart" > /etc/sundtek.conf # tell the driver to reload tvheadend once a device is available to the system

after that procedure restart osmc

(strip the dollar sign, it just indicates the terminal, everything (and including) the dash (#) is a comment and not required)


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