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Themen - OldSkul

Seiten: [1]
Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Picture breaking problem (256QAM)
« am: September 17, 2012, 03:36:22 Nachmittag »
I have your DVB-T/C digital only stick (black) and beside the problem that on vu+ duo yours stick dont work with other USB stick, i have also another annoying problem.

When i am using DVB-C on my new Samsung plasma, it works without any issues, 100% signal strenght, stable signal and no picture breakup.

But with your stick i am having picture problems. Usually picture is breaking (BER increases and signal decreases when this happens), sometimes picture just dissapears or goes into loop (i need to restart the receiver).

Is this related to 256QAM that my cable operator is using?

VU+ - VU Duo Settopbox / Sundtek and Nova-T at the same time
« am: Juni 06, 2012, 02:20:32 Nachmittag »
My primary stick is Nova-T (tuner C) and today i installed sundtek stick. It only shows as tuner D when i put this line in sundtek.conf: vtuner_skip0=vtuner0

Usb stick is then detected as tuner D but when i zap to random dvb-c channel, it wants to use tuner C which is DVB-T. Basically its a mess. Anyone has a clue what to do here?

Seiten: [1]