Market Place / other questions / Dead Sundtek MediaTV Digital Home (DVB-CT)
« am: Mai 06, 2013, 08:55:10 Nachmittag »
I recently bought from you,abour a mounth ago Sundtek MediaTV Digital Home (DVB-CT) ,now is compleatly dead.I have used it with Vu+solo2 setopbox,and for about 3 days sometimes when I have swiched from satellit chanels to cable chanels usb tuner does not respond,blue led dosent light,only reboot of the box make it work.I have reflashed firmware on box,reinstalled drivers for usb tuner but same result,and today usb tuner died for good I think,becouse is not starting at all anymore,not reboot helps,not reinstalled firmware nothing.I also tried today to install usb tuner to my old dreambox800hd,but not any sign of life.On Sundtek Control center for bouth setopboxes shows same masage No stick found.So what to do?