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Themen - ddalex

Seiten: [1]
Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / ARM support
« am: April 12, 2010, 03:14:01 Nachmittag »

I'm interested in buying a Sundtek device, but I want to use it with an ARM computer, a SheevaPlug device.
Have you tested a Media Pro device with a computer ?

The intended use is to stream DVB-C data from Sheevaplug to a WDTV Live media player over the network. I have written an interface software that exposes DVB channels as a filesystem over the network, but the device I used is no longer available to me, and so I'm searching for a DVB-C tuner that works on ARM/Sheevaplug.

Please tell me if you think the Media Pro can be used in such way.

Seiten: [1]