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Themen - GoranC

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Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Re:Sundtek Media TV Pro Linux Installation Problem
« am: November 14, 2009, 11:37:57 Vormittag »
Good day,

I hoped that it would work out like that. However, I get no connection with my newly purchased MediaTV Pro.

The installation of the drives looks ok:

# bash

Welcome to the EETI em28xx linux driver setup

Legal notice:
This software comes without any warranty, use it at your own risk
Sundtek übernimmt keinerlei Haftung für Schäden welche eventuell durch
das System oder die angebotenen Dateien entstehen können.

Do you want to continue [Y/N]:
Wollen Sie fortfahren [J/N]:
stopping old driver instance...
installing em28xx driver to /opt
checking system... 32Bit System detected
finalizing configuration... (can take a few seconds) 
installing libmediaclient interception library
Starting driver...

I also have the unit in the USB port:
# lsusb
Bus 005 Device 020: ID 

Hoever, mediaclient has no list of hardware:
# /opt/bin/mediaclient -e
**** List of Media Hardware Devices ****

# /opt/bin/mediaclient --setdtvmode=DVBT
Using device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0
unable to open device node: /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0

(No /dev/dvb node is created.)

Could you please give some advice on how I can get this to work?


Edit Sundtek:
we replaced the device.

Seiten: [1]