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Nachrichten - knumor

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Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Re:Tvheadend compatibiltiy broken
« am: Oktober 10, 2009, 02:44:59 Nachmittag »
Thanks for your quick response, I can confirm my legacy device is now working as expected.


Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Re:Tvheadend compatibiltiy broken
« am: Oktober 10, 2009, 01:55:37 Nachmittag »
System is Ubuntu 9.10, latest, kernel 2.6.31-12-generic.

Seems you are right about this not being reproducable with the MediaPro stick, however the preload affects tvheadend with regards to my other DVB-card...

I have a TT-1501-C PCI-card as my first DVB-adapter, and as far as I can tell the problems relate to tvheadend opening /dev/adapter0/demux0. No such problems when running tvheadend without the library preload.

So, in summary, to reproduce you will need a system with a "real" DVB-card, and tvheadend running with the library preloaded...

I don't have time to get more details at the moment, let me know if there is anything in particular I should do to assist you in light of this new information.


Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Tvheadend compatibiltiy broken
« am: Oktober 10, 2009, 11:51:46 Vormittag »

The last driver that is fully functioning with tvheadend on my Ubuntu 9.10 beta-installation is 20090926. Every driver after that results in tvheadend complaining about 'Too many open files' after a while.

As far as i can tell this is due to the library, and indeed lsof -p $(pidof tvheadend) confirms that the number of open unix sockets are ever increasing and eventually tvheadend reaches 1024 (default max open files per user).

As a matter of fact, just starting tvheadend results in >400 open files, compared to about 80 with the 20090926-driver.

Hope you can look into the problem. If you need any more details just ask.


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