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{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re: SkyTV VIII issue
« am: Mai 07, 2020, 04:18:01 Nachmittag »
Thanks a lot for remote help!
My issue is resolved!

The resolution:
mrec  15:53:16
"I lowered the interconnection speed between the receiver and the usb chipset"

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re: SkyTV VIII issue
« am: Mai 06, 2020, 11:11:01 Vormittag »
Yes, the problem occurs on transponders exceeding around 5-6000 kb/s bandwidth.
I tried to set transfer mode to iso as well but that didn't help. I think this SkyTV 8A has some kind of defect. I would gladly replace it with a SkyTV 6 since that one is perfect.

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re: SkyTV VIII issue
« am: Mai 05, 2020, 11:10:03 Vormittag »
How can you explain that the SkyTV version 6 works without any problem but the version 8 does not? This is what is happening. I used this tuner first on RPI 3 B+ and now on Odroid N2.

Again, SkyTV 6 works but SkyTV 8 does NOT.  I can understand that there are issues with Odroid but this still does not explain why the version 6 tuner works perfectly and the version 8 does not.

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re: SkyTV VIII issue
« am: Mai 05, 2020, 10:19:05 Vormittag »
I purchased an Odroid N2 and the tuner has the same issue.
Only my SkyTV version 8 tuner has this issue. The version 6 is ok. I am very disappointed and now that I receive absolutely zero support. I wrote several emails and no response.

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re: SkyTV VIII issue
« am: Dezember 23, 2019, 04:21:10 Nachmittag »
Isochronous is not delivering any data on your system right?

I dont know what I have to check for that.

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re: SkyTV VIII issue
« am: Dezember 22, 2019, 09:45:51 Vormittag »
transfermode=iso didn't fix the issue :(
I also set nullpackets=on as the doc says

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re: SkyTV VIII issue
« am: Dezember 21, 2019, 01:32:59 Nachmittag »
I am still suffering from this issue. The mediaclient --cpupush=performance  does not solve the issue.

I wrote several emails to support but no response. My old SkyTV ultimate 6  stick does not have this issue. I don't know what to do. :(

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re: SkyTV VIII issue
« am: September 07, 2018, 04:15:23 Nachmittag »
Thor 1W   -   DVB-S Network/12034.36V/Nat Geo Wild HD

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / SkyTV VIII issue
« am: September 07, 2018, 03:14:40 Nachmittag »

I have 2 Sundtek SkyTV sticks.  One older version (version VI)  and I just received a new one which is version VIII.

I have no problem with the old stick on a raspberry 3 B+ using Libreelec and Tvheadend. Everything works just fine.

But when I replace the old SkyTV stick with the new one I have issues on HD channels. (I updated the Sundtek driver)  I have a lot of Continuity errors and the stream stalls for 1-3 secs regularly so any HD channel basically unwatchable.

What do you suggest to do?

It is very frustrating that they provide zero information. It's more than 3 month that I have ordered and paid for a SkyTV Ultimate and no news. It totally looks to be as a scam. They still accept payments on their site for these devices.

I think it is time for me now to go to the appropriate EU Consumer Protection authority and let them arrange this case.

I suggest you to do the same.

Market Place / other questions / Waiting for my order for more than 3 month now
« am: März 31, 2014, 09:42:08 Nachmittag »
I've been waiting for my order: 6358  for more than 3 month now. It is completely unacceptable that they provide no information.

I got some info more than a month ago that they're "very busy manufacturing new cable tuners" and I should give them a call. (This is also weird)
I called them but they told me that they will call me back with further info within an hour. Of course they didn't call me back or gave any information at all.

It is absolutely not professional what happens here.

Seiten: [1]