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Nachrichten - Capodastro

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{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Streaming Server Installation
« am: Februar 02, 2018, 05:32:55 Nachmittag »
Hallo an alle,
- Ich besitze eine Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate III, auf Linux Mint 18.2.
- Es ist mir bis jetzt immer gelungen die Karte mit Kaffeine zu verwenden:) :) :).
Die letzten Updates erzwingen die Aufgabe der brauchbaren Kaffeine Version und ich bin auf die Updates angewiesen.
- Ich habe deswegen den Streaming Server + Treiber installiert.
Der Server findet bei scannen keine Kanäle, trotz dem Kaffeine streamt und scannt eindwandfrei, was heißt die Karte ist in Ordnung.
- Ich habe mich deswegen entschlossen das Verzeichnis /opt/bin zu löschen und schicken  ein AnyDesk Zugangs Kode:

Danke in voraus für die Hilfe.

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re:sky ultimate III windows drivers?
« am: September 02, 2015, 01:38:47 Nachmittag »
Well, I got it: works.
I am proud to have bin faster, this time  ;)


{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / sky ultimate III windows drivers?
« am: September 02, 2015, 04:28:57 Vormittag »

- ich kann nicht finden sky ultimate III Treibers, ich mÖchte sie unter Windows 10 installieren. Kann mir jemand helfen?

- findet den Stick nicht.

- wie teuer wäre ein upgrade zum letztem stick model?

Danke in voraus!


Newer Versions:

and it works! Thank you so much!

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate III (USB 2.0)
« am: Februar 28, 2015, 11:35:33 Nachmittag »
Linux Mint 17.1 kde 64 bit

I don't arrive installing properly
Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate III (USB 2.0)

The card is properly connected while working under a Suse installation.
I used the last driver and an older one, no output difference!

hier an output:

/opt/bin/mediaclient -e
**** List of Media Hardware Devices ****
device 0: [Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate III (USB 2.0)]  DVB-S/S2, REMOTE-CONTROL
     ID: 3-1.2.3
     ID: U120418103507
     FRONTEND: /dev/dvb/adapter2/frontend0
     DVR: /dev/dvb/adapter2/dvr0
     DMX: /dev/dvb/adapter2/demux0
     INPUT0: /dev/mediainput0

Kaffeine doesn't see the card. Possibly I miss some package, but which one?
Any idea? Thenks in advance.

 ;D ;D ;D Danke, Danke, und nochmals Danke  ;D ;D ;D

Vorsicht bitte, trotzdem kann die übertriebene Freude am patchen ernsthaft beschädigen...Kaffeine?! einfach auch Gesundheit-schädlich...die linke Herzklappe...die schlaflose Nächte bei Eurosport...

Wolfi hat mir genau erklärt wie man das Paket anfertigt, aber erst muss ich ein bisschen trenieren. Inzwischen hat er das Repo aufgemacht und beladen.

Express Kaffeine 1.2.2-33.2 in rpm Tasse, von mir schon gekostet. Nein, das ist kein "second hand coffee".
Noch die Bar adresse:

Liebe Grüsse an alle,

ich hatte kopiert eine Version von Kaffeine-xbu, obwohl nicht gerade die letzte. Gibt es per Zufall eine alternative Download-Adresse?

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / An old Opensuse problem :)
« am: Oktober 30, 2013, 03:56:19 Nachmittag »
On booting time Opensuse recognizes the sky ultimate III as some different device stopping the loading process for at least a couple of minutes. As turnaround I wrote a small applet which installs the sundtek driver on login uninstalling it on logout, a very fast procedure.
For this purpose I use a
The last driver available works a bite cleaner, but I found in the forum only the net_installer,
Could I Ask you for a link providing the complete driver?

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re:Opensuse 12.3 install problem
« am: Juni 21, 2013, 11:29:12 Vormittag »
Hi, thanks for that installer: since a few days that is my preferred lecture. I found finally the decisive snippet to learn about bash and linux. It opened also my mind for understanding the problematic by coding on industrial level. Concerning robustness and reliability by coding in linux, in my unprofessional opinion the ironic comments in the installer are sadly right. personally I write just for myself and my friends, let call that "kitchen programming", but as old scientist and musician I love the exactitude.thanks again.
As temporary solution I wrote very fast a couple of applets whose function is to automatically install / uninstall the driver on startup / shutdown. they store the root pwd in encripted form, so linux will be happy. now I know how to identify a distribution and that the init code doesn't need to be engraved in a file. progressing in learning I'll be able to add "suse 12.3" code as final examen.  ;D

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re:Opensuse 12.3 install problem
« am: Juni 17, 2013, 11:46:44 Vormittag »
thanks for the driver. unfortunately it didn't improve anything. however, on the second boot after install the system started with normal speed. unfortunately I didn't be able to replicate such behaviour.
if of interest, I made a couple of vanilla boot logs, one with just the card connected and one even without card. the system stucks still on boot time.
during booting the driver is loaded and reloaded many times, and that on stages where the card is of no practical relevance. I will see if I can change this aspect, then I will proceed with the system install excluding at the moment the card driver.
let me know if I can be of any help and if you could use the logs.
Sie durfen ruhig schreiben in deutsch, es ist nur dass ich in englisch schneller tippe  ;D

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Opensuse 12.3 install problem
« am: Juni 16, 2013, 05:12:01 Nachmittag »
Hi, I used the card under suse 12.2 with no problems, even without the recommended kaffeine version.
Right now I am upgrading to the new distribution, 12.3. The card works still very well, even better, but as soon I install the drivers the system boots terribly slowly. I am quite sure about the origin of this anomaly having tested on a saved copy with and without card drivers, even on different install stages.

Perhaps a turnaround would be starting the drivers after login, however I didn't find out how to prevent the start, despite looking desesperately in the "/etc" folder. :-\
Could you be of any help?

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re:SkyTV Ultimate III Install
« am: Februar 20, 2013, 09:50:01 Nachmittag »
yes, that is the package what I am talking about. But wait a minute, do you mean I should also install the devel package?

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / SkyTV Ultimate III Install
« am: Februar 18, 2013, 12:13:30 Nachmittag »
After long testing here my results:


openSUSE 12.2 (x86_64)
Kernel 3.4.28-2.20-desktop x86_64
KDE:  4.9.5 "release 4" Kaffeine 1.2.2
KDE3: 3.5.10  Kaffeine 0.8.8

Kaffeine 1.2.2

- Performed a dirty setup, just connecting the card, disconnecting an old Cinergy and rescanning Astra 19.2 / Hotbird 13.0: no problem!
- Performed a clean setup (complete Kaffeine reset):
  The card was not recognized. I didn't wont to waste time, so I installed the recommended Kaffeine version and the card was recognized. I scanned and everything was fine. HOWEVER, by every program start I got the ominous MsgBox (no device found), after closing the box Kaffeine was working normally.Very nesty!. Finally I reverted to the distribution Kaffeine ( ) and everything works just fine, no more MsgBox.

Kaffeine 0.8.8

- Always working!

WINDOWS 7/8 32/64 bit
Tested on MediaPortal, ProgDVB, DVBDream and DVBViewer.

I have a problem with DISEqC: as long as I assign only LNB 1 everything works, but assigning LNB 1 and LNB 2 brings in the best case that the card doesn't find any signal on LBN 2 (in my case Hotbird).
On my unprofessional eyes it looks like a driver problem. If I am not getting wrong the card was tested under DISEqC. In case of a bug, as Linux user I can live well with that, but if I did something wrong may I ask for some assistance? I used the driver 130123 installing from the inf file.
Thanks in advance!

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re:SkyTV Ultimate III, Heim-Test
« am: Januar 15, 2013, 09:16:50 Nachmittag »
You need to update your Kaffeine Version, see following Suse Links:

I'll do that. Anyway I scanned already Astra 19.2 and Hotbird. Result: I have forgotten about the existence of tv cards!

{Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate / Re:SkyTV Ultimate III, Heim-Test
« am: Januar 15, 2013, 09:12:25 Nachmittag »
Welches Suse 12.2? 32 oder 64bit?

64 bit

Ich stelle mich gerne zur Verfügung als Referenz.

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