English > Drivers

Linux driver 18. May 2017 (recommended)

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I've installed the Ubuntu/Debian driver - and the software centre says it's "installed".

And yet, when I try to create a channel config for Kaffeine I get the following:

output format kaffeine channels.dvb
Info: using DVB adapter auto detection.
   /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 -> DVB-C "Sundtek DVB-C": specified was DVB-T -> SEARCH NEXT ONE.
main:2960: FATAL: ***** NO USEABLE DVB CARD FOUND. *****
Please check wether dvb driver is loaded and
verify that no dvb application (i.e. vdr) is running.

Any ideas?

it says what it says...

DVB-C "Sundtek DVB-C": specified was DVB-T -> SEARCH NEXT ONE.

It found a DVB-C device while the channel file was made for DVB-T.
In order to switch the device to DVB-T run:

/opt/bin/mediaclient -DDVBT -d /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0

Habe folgendes Problem mit Kaffeine (DVB-T)und dem Parameter:
mediaclient --updaterc=0 / 1
Ist dieser gesetzt, erscheint bei DVB-T zwar noch die Senderinformation, danach kommt aber ein "Lesefehler vom Device". In der Log erscheint:kaffeine(14209) DvbDevice::frontendEvent: tuning failed
Setze ich diesen Parameter nicht, funktioniert es einwandfrei. Die Kaffeineversion: 1.2.2
Kann jemand helfen?

Is it only me or?
I can't seam to download latest drivers from 11th November 2012:

Installer (all systems): http://www.sundtek.de/media/sundtek_installer_development.sh (15 MByte)
I only get a small part of the file (about 82kB)

I tried a couple of weeks back with same result. Could someone fix the link/file?
Or re-share it for me?


That driver now links to the netinst driver, and the netinst driver will always download the latest version.

Please note that the german change log section really contains the latest changes for the drivers (the english section is a bit outdated - but will always get you the latest drivers at least)


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