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Linux VDR - DVB-T and DVB-C



1. Installation

Please note that newer Ubuntu versions might have other version numbers than which are used with following libav* packages. This installation guide was made for Ubuntu 8.10, but should also work with other versions.

--- Code: ---sudo apt-get install libavformat52 libavutil49 libavcodec51 libavutil49 libavdevice52
sudo apt-get install libxine1-misc-plugins xine-ui libxine1-all-plugins libxine1-ffmpeg libxine1 libxine1-bin libxine1-x
sudo apt-get install vdr vdr-plugin-xineliboutput libxine1-xvdr

--- Ende Code ---

2. Channel configuration

In order to scan all transponders w-scan is required

Ubuntu 9.04 already ships w-scan, older Ubuntu versions need to download and compile it
For Ubuntu 9.04:

--- Code: ---apt-get install w-scan

--- Ende Code ---

For older Ubuntu Versions:
W-Scan 2008-11-06

--- Code: ---$ wget http://sundtek.de/support/wscan-20081106.tar.gz
$ tar xvzf wscan-20081106.tar.gz
$ cd w_scan-20081106
$ make

--- Ende Code ---

in order to be able to use DVB-C the device needs to be set to DVB-C first, this can be done with the following mediaclient command:

--- Code: ---$ /opt/bin/mediaclient -D DVBC
$ ./w_scan -f c > channels.conf.dvbc

newer w_scan version also require a countryflag eg -c UK
$ ./w_scan -f c -c UK > channels.conf.dvbt

--- Ende Code ---

To scan DVB-T transponders:

--- Code: ---$ /opt/bin/mediaclient -D DVBT
$ ./w_scan -f t > channels.conf.dvbt

newer w_scan version also require a countryflag eg -c UK
$ ./w_scan -f t -c UK > channels.conf.dvbt

--- Ende Code ---

To use DVB-T just copy channels.conf.dvbt to /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf

To use DVB-C copy channels.conf.dvbc to /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf

It's only possible to set one devicemode, and you should only copy one of those configurations to /var/lib/vdr, upcoming VDR versions will solve this issue.

After copying the configuration, please restart VDR:

--- Code: ---$ sudo /etc/init.d/vdr restart

--- Ende Code ---

3. Remote control

We also created a template for the remote control:

--- Code: ---$ sudo cp /opt/doc/sundtek_vdr.conf /var/lib/vdr/remote.conf

--- Ende Code ---

further information about how to configure the remote control can be found on following website:


After this configuration please restart VDR again.

--- Code: ---$ sudo /etc/init.d/vdr restart

--- Ende Code ---

4. Using VDR

The remote control shall work automatically if you have followed the LIRC documentation.

For DVB-T:

--- Code: ---$ sudo /etc/init.d/vdr stop
$ sudo cp channels.conf.dvbt /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf
$ /opt/bin/mediaclient -D DVBT
$ sudo /etc/init.d/vdr start
$ xine

--- Ende Code ---

For DVB-C:

--- Code: ---$ sudo /etc/init.d/vdr stop
$ sudo cp channels.conf.dvbc /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf
$ /opt/bin/mediaclient -D DVBC
$ sudo /etc/init.d/vdr start
$ xine

--- Ende Code ---

Start Xine:
 Ubuntu Menu, Applications -> Sound & Video -> Xine and finally select XVDR in the xine menu

* Audio is muted
there could be 2 reasons for muted audio:
1. Codecs aren't installed correctly, pleae install libxine1-misc-plugins for linux (eg. under ubuntu)
2. Audio is muted, this can also be caused by the xine/pulseaudio plugin, please add following line to your xine configuration:



* Xorg crashes or hardlocks
This error can be caused by Xine and the ATI drivers

As a workaround you can switch the Xine output to use Xshm which is more reliable - but decreases the quality of the OSD menu




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