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Sundtek MediaTV Pro / Sound problem latest Blackhole images
« am: August 19, 2015, 01:25:42 Nachmittag »
Hi people,

suddenly I noticed a issue with the sound only with the Sundtek cable tuner on normal channels and HD was oke, also satellite is oke and there is no problem.

The sound stutters like hell so I thought maybe it was just something with Open Blackhole so I switched back to normal Blackhole and the issue was still there so I thought maybe a problem then with the latest update from Sundtek so downgraded to something like 2 months earlier and problem still was there.

So today I again switched back to the website pack of Blackhole and thought let it like it is so I didn't update the image right away and noticed the problem is gone now, so it is a update issue of some drivers I think on the Black images.

Did anybody noticed this? if not can it be looked at so I can update in the future :).

I own a Vu+ Sole SE by the way.

Below what I afterwards posted also on the Blackhole forum and they insist the problem are the Sundtek drivers.

The satellite works correct it is just the via usb connected Sundtek in my case that gives a dissorted/stuttering sound on all not HD channels. So I think some drivers got changed recently and hat gives a problem.

It is not a issue with Sundtek!!, I uninstalled it completely and added a driver from 2 months old and the problem was still there. So something got changed it gives a issue with the Sundtek.

So what could be changed in the latest images it conflicts with the sound is the question now, like I said it is fine now with the latest driver but with the first release of Open Blackhole.

It was just the last updates that started giving this issue?.

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