ich kann wunderbar DVB-C in normal und HD Qualität sehen, Recordings wie auch LiveTV, jedoch tritt nach einem Recording Ende (oder anderes Event?) immer wieder die Situation auf, dass ich dann LiveTV nicht mehr starten kann: folgendes steht im Frontend Log:
2010-10-05 22:37:05.538 TV: Attempting to change from None to WatchingLiveTV
2010-10-05 22:37:05.549 MythContext: Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 1)
2010-10-05 22:37:05.550 Using protocol version 56
2010-10-05 22:37:05.578 Spawning LiveTV Recorder -- begin
2010-10-05 22:37:09.408 Spawning LiveTV Recorder -- end
2010-10-05 22:37:09.417 ProgramInfo(): Updated pathname '':'' -> '1008_20101005223708.mpg'
2010-10-05 22:37:09.477 We have a playbackURL(myth:// & cardtype(DUMMY)
2010-10-05 22:37:09.477 We have a RingBuffer
2010-10-05 22:37:09.597 NVP(1): Disabling Audio, params(-1,2,44100)
2010-10-05 22:37:09.658 ProgramInfo(): Updated pathname '':'' -> '1008_20101005223708.mpg'
2010-10-05 22:37:09.687 VideoOutputXv: XVideo Adaptor Name: 'ATI Radeon AVIVO Video'
2010-10-05 22:37:09.738 OSD Theme Dimensions W: 1280 H: 720
greedyhdeint: size changed from 0 x 0 -> 720 x 576
2010-10-05 22:37:09.838 Realtime priority would require SUID as root.
2010-10-05 22:37:09.838 OpenGLVideoSync()
2010-10-05 22:37:09.903 TV: Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
2010-10-05 22:37:09.903 TV: State is LiveTV & mctx == ctx
2010-10-05 22:37:09.912 TV: UpdateOSDInput done
2010-10-05 22:37:09.912 TV: UpdateLCD done
2010-10-05 22:37:09.912 TV: ITVRestart done
2010-10-05 22:37:09.952 ScreenSaverX11Private: DPMS Deactivated 1
2010-10-05 22:37:10.002 Video timing method: SGI OpenGL
2010-10-05 22:37:11.164 ProgramInfo(): Updated pathname '':'' -> '1008_20101005223710.mpg'
2010-10-05 22:37:12.145 TV: Attempting to change from WatchingLiveTV to None
2010-10-05 22:37:12.145 RingBuf(myth:// Warning: Peek() requested 2048 bytes, but only returning 376
2010-10-05 22:37:12.145 NVP::OpenFile(): Error, couldn't read file: myth://
2010-10-05 22:37:12.146 NVP(1), Error: JumpToProgram failed.
2010-10-05 22:37:12.146 NVP(1), Error: Unknown recorder error, exiting decoder
2010-10-05 22:37:12.154 ~OpenGLVideoSync() -- closing opengl vsync
2010-10-05 22:37:13.145 RingBuf(myth:// Waited too long for ringbuffer pause..
2010-10-05 22:37:14.385 TV: Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None
2010-10-05 22:37:14.397 MythSystemEventHandler ERROR: SendMythSystemPlayEvent() called with empty ProgramInfo
2010-10-05 22:37:14.414 ScreenSaverX11Private: DPMS Reactivated 1
2010-10-05 22:37:14.459 TV: Attempting to change from None to WatchingLiveTV
2010-10-05 22:37:14.459 MythContext: Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 1)
2010-10-05 22:37:14.469 Using protocol version 56
2010-10-05 22:37:14.489 Spawning LiveTV Recorder -- begin
2010-10-05 22:37:17.848 Spawning LiveTV Recorder -- end
2010-10-05 22:37:17.861 ProgramInfo(): Updated pathname '':'' -> '1008_20101005223717.mpg'
2010-10-05 22:37:17.882 We have a playbackURL(myth:// & cardtype(DUMMY)
2010-10-05 22:37:17.882 We have a RingBuffer
2010-10-05 22:37:17.933 TV Error: LiveTV not successfully started
2010-10-05 22:37:18.001 ScreenSaverX11Private: DPMS Deactivated 1
2010-10-05 22:37:18.001 ScreenSaverX11Private: DPMS Reactivated 1
2010-10-05 22:37:19.424 MythSystemEventHandler ERROR: SendMythSystemPlayEvent() called with empty ProgramInfo
mein MythTV Backend Setup besteht aus einem 1.5GHz VIA C7 Prozessor mit 1GB RAM und schreib folgendes ins backend Log:
2010-10-05 22:37:14.427 adding: bilbo as a client (events: 0)
2010-10-05 22:37:14.444 TVRec(1): Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
2010-10-05 22:37:14.482 TVRec(1): HW Tuner: 1->1
2010-10-05 22:37:14.989 DVBChan(1:/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0) Warning: Symbol Rate setting (6952000) is out of range (min/max:6250000/690
2010-10-05 22:37:17.832 AutoExpire: CalcParams(): Max required Free Space: 3.0 GB w/freq: 14 min
2010-10-05 22:37:17.871 ProgramInfo(): Updated pathname '':'' -> '1008_20101005223717.mpg'
2010-10-05 22:37:17.899 ProgramInfo(): Updated pathname '':'' -> '1008_20101005223717.mpg'
2010-10-05 22:37:17.916 TVRec(1): Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None
2010-10-05 22:37:18.207 ProgramInfo(): Updated pathname '':'' -> '1008_20101005223717.mpg'
2010-10-05 22:37:18.221 Finished recording The Breed "Amerikansk gyser fra 2006. En gruppe unge venner flyver til en tilsyneladende forladt for at feste og slappe af.": channel 1008
2010-10-05 22:37:18.252 ProgramInfo(): Updated pathname '':'' -> '1008_20101005223717.mpg'
2010-10-05 22:37:18.271 ProgramInfo(): Updated pathname '':'' -> '1008_20101005223717.mpg'
2010-10-05 22:37:18.294 ProgramInfo(): Updated pathname '':'' -> '1008_20101005223717.mpg'
2010-10-05 22:38:18.927 DVBChan(1:/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0) Warning: Symbol Rate setting (6952000) is out of range (min/max:6250000/6900000)