English > {Single, Dual, Quad} Sundtek SkyTV Ultimate

Driver incompatible with latest second stage (ss84) Dreambox 800se


Sky ultimate stick will not work when upgrading Dreambox 800se to latest second stage (ss84). Tried different images all with the same result. The USB-stick isn't recognized by the box.

Did you install our driver?


The device fully works with SSL84 and the latest driver.

Yes, I used your driver and it worked with ss82 but stopped working under ss84. I reinstalled the driver several times with no luck.  Now, this was 10 days ago so I'll give it a try again.

Too early, you are right 10 days ago the driver did not work with the new image.
There have been some updates with those images and we had to update the driver too.
Everything works at this time.

You're right, works with latest driver. Thanks!


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