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Sundtek MediaTV Pro (Europe) / Empia installation will lead to couchdb problem in Karmic
« am: September 12, 2009, 02:54:10 Nachmittag »

I have been trying to install mediaTV pro to Samsung NC10 mini-PC. Because new version of Ubuntu is coming quite soon I decided to use prerelease version of Karmic Koala (alpha 5).
OS is working fine, but every time when I try to install mediaTV pro drivers it will cause system malfunction. The newest driver (040909) itself will install fine and I am able to find usb stick and Totem will also find dvb adapter. The symptoms are: Firefox won't start, also problems with Nautilus. When I try to restart the machine it will hang when it is trying to 'stopping couchdb server'. Same thing when machine is starting - it will stop to phase where couchdb is starting. This will happen even without stick connected. Problems are fixed by uninstalling empia drivers.

In this stage I don't know which is the cause of the problems? Is it empia drivers (bug?), alpha version of Karmic (bug?) or something Samsung NC10 specific. However, same problem was also in 9.10 alpha 4 -version.  I think mostly affected are couchdb and xulrunner?

Any instructions?

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